Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hows about 10:30pm, Tinseltown, Thursday for the Machete?

Friday, November 20, 2009

here is a link for directions to our destination. you could also drive through town to marys lake road if you prefer.

anybody down for a costco run on the way to whole foods? if so, what day?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So I am thinking that Wednesday food should be byo, Thursday will be snacking all day and of course the main event (the main event is not a vomit competition this year, ok?), Friday will be leftovers, and Saturday we can have a community breakfast. Thoughts........

Sunday, November 15, 2009

10 Days Until Gobbllerfest, Llamaheads!

Does anyone own a 10-12 cup cast iron skillet? My largest cast iron skillet is 6-8 cups. If you do have such a skillet, can I borrow it for Gobblles? I also need a box grater if anyone has one of those. I wouldn't be surprised if there was already a box grater up at the llama ranch.

Dustin and I can donate our white folding chairs and folding table to the cause. However, we will need someone else with a truck to transport them up there. Let us know if you can fit these items in your vehicle. We can also donate some very nice sleeping bags and mats. I don't know if there are actual beds for everybody or not. Mike, if you think we'll need extra sleeping bags, let me know.

We are bringing a battlemat, too. Probably not our big honking one.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Menu!

Please feel free to add to the menu by commenting on this post

- Pies: Apple and Pecan, Creamed Corn, peas, Skillet greens, Saturday Breakfast Pancakes, berries, nuts and yogurt
Dustin-Pumpkin pie
Ian-Mashed potatoes
Drew-Quiches for breakfast (accepting requests for fillings)
Alex-Mince meat pie
Adam-Turkey, gravy, stuffing (maybe cranberry sherbet)
Laura-Mac-n-cheese, cranberry sauce
Wilson Family- Salad
Carsten Clan- Green bean casserole, bread (the gluten kind), Gallon of milk, tea, cream & sugar, two dozen eggs and bacon
hot chocolate, and chocolate, clementines, dates
Lauren-Cranberry salad, pumpkin bread, gluten free pumpkin bread, gluten free cookies chocolate chip and peanut butter, lactose free milk, Tofutti.
Molly- zucchini bread, zucchini quiche, zucchini whiskey
Aaron: Triple-Bird Onslaught of Awesome (one turkey, one pheasant, one duck, each with their own stuffing and gravy), stuff for green chile stew, one cookie.
Bettina- various fruit, ice cream, whipped cream, sandwich fillings, tea, sparkling conversation
Klayton- covered by the Carstens

Monday, October 12, 2009

It's a ritual sacrifice... with pie.

So we gotta talk about our Thanksgiving menu, llama-heads.

So far these are the possibilities:

The Retka-Mega Loaf
A Turkey? (remember we have 4 ovens)
The Meatloaf Turkey stuffed with mashed potatoes

Green bean casserole
mashed potatoes
sweet potatoes
Cranberry salad
zucchini casserole

Pumpkin pie (Glut. free)
Apple pie
Pecan pie
Mince meat pie?

Do we really need three main courses? Technically we will be there for three days, so maybe. Any thoughts on this? I'd like to see more veggie sides.